Another Deadline Already?

The first chapter of the second book about Sparrow is due March 24th! Margaret Woollatt of Dutton told me they want to print it as a "teaser" at the end of book one. They're also brainstorming ideas about a title for each book -- I'm terrible at titles and they thought "Sparrowblog" didn't communicate much about the content of the books (they're right). I'll keep you posted. Also, Judy O'Malley of Charlesbridge called yesterday, and we're having lunch next week. She wants to show me the final art created by Jamie Hogan for Rickshaw Girl (Winter 2007). Can't wait to see it! Judy also gave me an editorial letter for The Bamboo People, which I'd love to get to SOON, as the predicament of child soldiers and internally displaced people in Burma continues to break my heart. Anyone have an extra month or two you can share with me? Isn't it strange that time alone is the one thing we can't give to each other?