Help Wanted: Teen, Female, Journalist

From Sandhya Nankani, editor of Weekly Reader's Writing magazine, comes this announcement:

The Asian American Writers' Workshop presents a new youth workshop:

51%: A Female Journalists Initiative
6 Saturdays, October 28th to December 16th

The Asian American Writers' Workshop is offering a new writing project for high school-age female journalists. We will learn about reporting and interviewing technique and touch on specialized areas of journalism — for example, ethnic media, opinion writing, feature writing, blogging, and radio — depending on students' interests. We'll also study how to pitch stories to publications and editors. The workshop meets for six classes in October, November, and December, and we'll hone our writing through exercises, peer critique, presentations, field trips, and guest speakers. Each student will complete a major project, a profile, by the final session. 51% is open to aspiring female journalists, grades 9 - 12, from all ethnicities and backgrounds. All youth who participate in 51% will receive an artist stipend of $100, based on commitment, attendance and participation. Please mail, fax or e-mail application as soon as possible.