Reviews, News, Events, Links

Rickshaw Girl's going paperback! Charlesbridge plans to release that version Spring 2008.

Editor Margaret Woollatt sent me the very first review for First Daughter: Extreme American Makeover (Dutton, June 2007). Kirkus says the book has "an interesting premise that provides a detailed and fun glimpse into campaigning's hectic reality and shines a positive light on America's multicultural reality." Nice.

I'll be reading and signing (along with others, including Lizzy the Clown) at the Peabody Barnes & Noble in Massachusetts this Saturday, May 5th from 1:30 - 3:30 to raise money for the North Shore Community Action Programs. Download vouchers from their site and come buy books (they don't have to be mine :>).

My writer's group was featured in the Newton Tab yesterday. Read about how we operate and check out a photo of Oz and Ends, Karen Day (Tall Tales, Wendy Lamb Books, May 2007), and my shoulder.

The San Jose Public Library (Northern California) wants to host a west coast book launch and bhangra party for First Daughter this summer. Stay tuned for details if you're in the Silicon Valley area.