Speaking of Anastasia Goodstein ...

She's coming to Boston, and I'm planning on being there:

Tuesday, October 9th, 6:30 p.m.
Faneuil Branch in Brighton
419 Faneuil Street, Boston, MA 02135
Tel: 617-782-6705

Writer and teen expert ANASTASIA GOODSTEIN (ypulse.com) will be speaking about and signing her book, Totally Wired: What Teens and Tweens are Really Doing Online (totallywired.com). Goodstein will be speaking to parents and educators about blogging, social networking, cyberbullying, technology use at school and at home at conferences, schools and libraries. Her message in two words: "Don't panic." Goodstein's presentation covers the good and the not so good ways teens are using technology to do all the things teens have always done. She offers practical, insightful advice on how to engage with teens and become part of their digital lives.