FD2: Book Launch Day!

January 24, 2008
by Mitali Perkins, ages 11-up, Fiction, Dutton Books
Sequel to First Daughter: Extreme American Makeover

In what Booklist calls two “smart and funny” novels, sixteen-year-old Sameera, also known as Sparrow, hits the campaign trail with her father and moves into the White House. Publishers Weekly describes her as an “intelligent, witty and prepossessed heroine,” and says readers will “enjoy this peek at the behind-the-scenes finessing that goes on in modern politics.”

Readers can go to sparrowblog where Sparrow gives news updates on the lives of real candidates’ sons and daughters on the campaign trail—Meghan McCain, Cate Edwards, Sarah Huckabee, Malia and Sasha Obama, Chelsea Clinton, the five Romney sons, and the first twins—along with links to sites where kids can find out more about politics and getting involved. 


If you’re in the Boston area, Wellesley Booksmith invites you to a book launch party at 2 p.m. on Sunday, February 3rd. Yes, it’s Super Bowl Sunday (Go Pats!) but you’ll be home in plenty of time to watch the game -- and be geared up for Tsunami Tuesday, when Massachusetts voters head to the primaries along with voters in 23 other states.

At the party, you’ll get the skinny on the REAL candidates’ kids, play fun trivia games, win prizes, and find out more about election ’08. Come discover how a fictional First Daughter wannabe handles the fun, glitz, and challenges of life in the political limelight. Visit Wellesley Booksmith for more information and RSVP to mitaliperk - at - yahoo - dot - com or in the comments.

Wellesley Booksmith
82 Central Street
Wellesley, MA 02482