Once again, I find myself in superb company as the American Library Association reveals the list of programs planned for YALSA's inaugural symposium (Nashville, November 7-9):
- Hit List or Hot List: How Teens Read Now, presented by Rosemary Chance and Teri Lesesne
- Inside the Authors’ Studios: Award Winners Right Out of the Gate, presented by Lisa Wemett and Olivia Durant
- Never Enough Nonfiction, presented by Pam Spencer Holley
- Listening to Literature, presented by Sharon Grover and Francisca Goldsmith
- Just Keepin’ It Real: Teens Reading Out of the Mainstream, presented by Rollie Welch
- Reading: It’s Not Just about Books Anymore, presented by Linda Braun
- Thrilling Young Adults: How to Keep the Attention of Today’s Teens, presented by Amy Alessio
- Quickest of YALSA’s Quick Picks, presented by Diana Tixier Herald and Diane P. Monnier
- Zine-a-Paloosa 2008: Teens and Zines!, presented by Julie Bartel
- Explaining and Exploring Fandom, Fan Life, and Participatory Culture, presented by Liz Burns
- Beyond the Rainbow Canon: Books for LGBT Teens, presented by Angie Miraflor and Daisy Porter
- Books between Cultures, presented by Mitali Perkins (me!)
- Connections: YA Literature and Curriculum, presented by Jane P. Fenn
- Teen Readers' Advisory: How Research Informs Practice, presented by Jessica E. Moyer