In 2006, when I wrote First Daughter: Extreme American Makeover, nobody was running for president and the election seemed far in the future.
Thanks to my between cultures fixation, I decided it would be fun to put a Muslim-background person in the White House, so I created a main character who was adopted from Pakistan.
Given my techno-geekiness and love of blogging, I made my first daughter wannabe a popular blogger who has an impact on the campaign.
Dutton told me to pick a party, so I thought, what the heck, I'll make her Dad a Republican and wrote her mom as a tall blonde.
Flash forward two years.
John McCain, married to tall blonde Cindy McCain, clinches the Republican race.
His daughter Bridget was adopted from a Muslim country (I had NO idea when I wrote the books, I promise!)
His daughter Meghan is blogging the campaign to much acclaim.
Did I cause these events to happen in that mystical, powerful place called fiction? Maybe, my loves, so beware. If I get in a bad mood I might write a novel about an evil blogger who writes html code with the power to poison people who read her posts. MWAHAHA!!!!!