Boston Bookish Schmooze 5/31

With Laurie Halse Anderson pouting about not being at Book Expo America (BEA), and the BEA Twitty Party rising into the top ten trending topics on Twitter, a few of us who aren't in New York decided to host a Boston Bookish Tweetup.

When? Sunday, 5.31.09, 2 p.m.

Where? Porter Square Books, Porter Square Shopping Center, 25 White Street, Cambridge, MA 02140, (617) 491-2220. Plenty of parking.

Who? Anyone who loves books. You don't have to be on Twitter.

What? Informal chat and coffee, ARC swap, sharing of best social media tips for bookish folk, and Lauren MacLeod of the Strothman Agency is going to talk trends in Middle Grade and Young Adult fiction.

Why? Because we're not at BEA, and feeling sorry for ourselves.