Celebrating Book Birthdays on Twitter

The release of a new book is something to celebrate. Each story winging out into the world deserves a communal "HURRAH!"

Authors and illustrators, if you're on twitter and have written or illustrated a traditionally published book for children or teens, follow @bookbbday, and DM or direct message the publication date / TITLE / genre / publisher / @twittername. (Genre key: PB = Picture Book, CB = Chapter Book, MG = Middle Grade, YA = Young Adult, NF = Nonfiction.) Since this is a one-woman job, I'm capping this list at fifty, but if it's easier than it seems once we get rolling, I might open it up again.

The day your book releases (full list below), we'll spread the news, raise a glass, break out the chocolate, and virtually party with you. We’ll also provide a link to IndieBound so that thousands of tweeps can rush to their local independents and buy your book. In exchange, you agree to re-tweet toasts to the other books as often as you can. Booksellers on twitter, we invite you to tweet the news, too.

Make it easy to tweet these parties.
Sign up for twitterfeed, an application which automatically posts an rss feed to your twitter stream. Here's the RSS feed for the Twitter Parties blog: http://feeds2.feedburner.com/TwitterBookParties. Each twitter party will appear automatically as a blog post over there, set to publish on the day of each book's release.

The posts there will be simple: TITLE / genre / publisher/ twitterhandle / bit.ly link to IndieBound / #bookbday. Once you add the RSS feed to your twitterfeed account, you can personalize how they'll appear in your twitter stream. (I'm prefacing the parties with "We toast a tweet to ..." if you want to use that.) Feel free to send personalized messages of admiration and delight to the author or illustrator on publication day as well.

See the master list of 50 books publishing between June 2009 and July 2010 we're celebrating with a TWITTER BOOK BIRTHDAY PARTY over at Twitter Book Parties.

Photo courtesy of pasotraspaso via Creative Commons.