I'm launching a new series on the Fire Escape about children growing up with war, hoping to showcase books that inform, illuminate, and inspire us to get involved.
We start with the Congo. Listen to Bahati's story in the video, remembering that he's fourteen.
I couldn't find any children's or YA fiction set in the country (apart from the controversial TINTIN IN THE CONGO), perhaps because of the extent of brutality and terror experienced by Congolese children. My recommendation is a recent non-fiction book, ALL THINGS MUST FIGHT TO LIVE (Bloomsbury, May 2009), by Bryan Mealer. PW said, "Mealer’s book is a quiet paean to the courage he has witnessed, and its final salute to 'the many proud people of Congo' is as much eulogy as affirmation."
If you know of any books for kids or teens set in the Congo, please let me know. Otherwise, please write one.