PoC Faces on Book Covers: Poll Results

138 librarians and booksellers responded to my unscientific but informative poll last week, and here are the results:
25% said, "A Kid/YA book with a brown, black, or Asian face on the cover is RARELY bought or borrowed by white kids unless I push it."

37% said, "A Kid/YA book with a brown, black, or Asian face on the cover  is SOMETIMES bought or borrowed by white kids unless I push it."

38% said, "A Kid/YA book with a brown, black, or Asian face on the cover circulates or sells THE SAME as other books, depending on buzz and reviews."
Discouraging at first glance, isn't it?  No wonder people with an eye on the bottom line are tempted to whitewash. But after listening to the conversation, I have several theories, further questions (i.e, do we need fewer or more faces on covers?), and ideas I'll share tomorrow. For now I invite you to leave your thoughts and reactions in the comments.