You're Invited: ALA 2010 Twitpic Gala!

I'm going on a bit of a hiatus from the Fire Escape to write. Meanwhile, in a valiant effort to prevent loneliness—been there, done that—during my signing at the American Annual Library Association Convention in DC, I'm hosting an...

••••• ala 2010 twitpic gala! •••••

You're invited! Stop by and I'll post a photo of you on twitter holding *your* favorite ALA book (with hashtag #alatwitpic and your twitter handle). It could be your own hot-off-the-presses release or an oldie but a goodie. If you don't like photos of you, we'll snag a stranger to clutch it. And you don't even have to get a copy of Bamboo People, I promise.

So stop by, be twitpic-ed, schmooze, and say hello at Charlesbridge's Booth #2710 in the Exhibit Halls from 1-3 pm Sunday, June 27. RSVP below or just show up, hold up a book, and ask for the paparazzi.