A Whirlwind Trip To Orlando and Tampa

Only managed to take a few photos during my trip to Florida, but hopefully they'll give you a feel of the International Reading Association Convention where I delivered a speech ("Books Between Cultures") at an Institute moderated by Kathy Ganske and Junko Yokota called "Discussions That Matter: Fostering Critical Reading, Critical Thinking, and Critical Literacy Across the Grades." I also visited St. John's Episcopal School in Tampa where I spoke to sixty eighth-graders ("Stories on the Fire Escape.")
Author-Illustrator Chris Myers waits for our panel at the Institute. He also keynoted, as did author Jacqueline Woodson.
Ah, the tropical air!
Illustrator Ralph Masiello and Author Stephanie Brockway (who happen to be married) show off book one in their new series for Charlesbridge, The Mystic Phyles: Beasts.
No, this is not the line of people waiting for my books. Guess which author garners this kind of fan devotion and you won't be in the least bit wimpy.
I was delighted to meet author Rukhsana Khan in person for the first time.
My time in Florida ended with a nice visit to St. John's School in Tampa.