NCTE 2016: Charlotte Huck Honor Award and More

I'm heading to the National Council of Teachers of English Convention in Atlanta this weekend. Here's my schedule if you want to stop by and say hello:

SATURDAY, November 19
9:00 – 10:00 AM Autographing with Candlewick Press (OPEN MIC: RIFFS ON LIFE BETWEEN CULTURES IN TEN VOICES)
VENUE: Booth 606 
11:00 AM – 12:15 PM Panel: "Advocating for Immigrants and Refugees through the Use of Literature and Creative Non-Fiction: Two Authors (one is me!), a Librarian, and Teacher Educator Sharing Stories and Strategies.
VENUE: Room A412 
12:30 – 2:30 PM NCTE Awards luncheon, where Tiger Boy is receiving a Charlotte Huck Honor award and I give a *brief* speech.
VENUE: Thomas Murphy Ballroom 
2:45 – 5:30 PM "The 2016 Orbis Pictus and Charlotte Huck Honor Book Award-Winning Authors and Illustrators Share Their Stories and Insights."
VENUE: Room B2013
SUNDAY, November 20
10:00 – 11:00 AM Autographing with Charlesbridge Publishing (TIGER BOY)
VENUE: Booth 432